


There are many things we look forward to while preparing to welcome a new baby into our lives. 但是我们可能 daydream about is spending hours on our little one’s laundry—nor how often they’ll need a change of clothes in the first place. So 多换衣服.

幸运的是, we have some helpful tips that can make learning 如何 wash baby clothes a breeze—and turn that complicated washing process into something that’s second nature.


他们的小鼻子就是你的迷你版, 他们有他们祖母的眼睛, and you could swear you 只是 saw the same facial expression your partner makes. 换句话说, 你的孩子是一种生活, 那他们的衣服又有什么不同呢?

就像你想知道的那样 如何 清洁奶瓶 or 如何清洁婴儿玩具,你可能也在寻找清洁婴儿服装的技巧. 事实证明, throwing those adorable onesies and mini pairs of denim into the wash with your own clothes may not be the best idea. 不,它不是 只是 because your favorite blouse could get caught in the crossfire of a baby blowout.

Dad holding up onesie with mom and baby in background with ECOS laundry sheets


  • 选择温和的洗涤剂 婴儿的皮肤很敏感, so it’s extremely important  to steer clear of detergents that use strong scents and harsh ingredients. 相反,选择柔软但有效的洗涤剂,就像我们的 ECOS低过敏性洗涤剂. 我们的 formula is free of harsh chemicals, making it for your baby’s gentle skin.
  • 尽量不要使用不必要的十大彩票网赌平台 – Super-scented detergents and fabric softeners could cause an allergic reaction or make your baby’s skin prone to rashes. It’s best to stay away from softeners since they could bind to your baby’s clothes and cause irritation to their skin.
  • 看标签 -宝宝的衣服和你自己的衣服有一个相似之处? The little tags in them contain loads of useful information—such as whether your little one’s clothes should go on a delicate spin cycle or be line-dried. Care labels can also tell you 如何 sort your baby’s clothes to ensure brights stay bright and whites stay white.

While doing your baby’s laundry is definitely different from doing your own, 这并不是一个完全陌生的过程. Follow the above tips, lean into your parental intuition, and you’ll do 只是 fine.


我们已经讲了如何给新生儿洗衣服, but why is it necessary to spend the extra effort and time to wash your baby’s clothes separately?

虽然一次洗完所有的衣服会更容易, 给宝宝洗衣服是值得的. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and a baby’s skin is especially delicate. It can absorb the toxins and irritating chemicals present in more conventional detergents, 会对健康造成负面影响, including anything from minor irritation to potentially serious long-term conditions such as dermatitis and asthma.

That makes properly washing your bundle of joy’s clothes more than 只是 a (seemingly never-ending) chore but an important investment in their overall health. 



我们知道你可能在想什么: 所以你让我把干净的衣服做得更干净?

不完全是. 我们当然不是想给你增加工作量, but some of those new-to-you clothes might not always be as clean as you think.

预洗包括洗宝宝的新衣服 之前 they wear them to eliminate any potential toxins or germs that might be clinging to the fabric.


  • 就在你交付之前Right after your baby is born, you’re going to have bigger things on your plate than washing clothes. But 只是 because you may not have time to clean them doesn’t mean your baby won’t need lots of onesies. 结果是, it’s a smart idea to pre-wash several weeks’ worth of clothes 之前 your baby arrives to have them available when you need them.
  • 如果你打算穿二手衣服 – While your cousin’s gift of hand-me-downs is adorable and thoughtful (not to mention helpful for your budget), 你需要在使用这些衣服之前把它们洗干净. 你不能保证二手婴儿衣服是干净的, 也就是说,最好还是谨慎起见,先洗一洗.
  • 买了之后 Even though you might assume store-bought clothes are cleaner than second-hand ones, 事实并非如此. Clothes you purchase from the store are equally capable of needing a wash, since they might contain toxins from manufacturing or have been exposed to various pests during their time in storage.

It’s generally a good rule of thumb to pre-wash any new clothes, no matter where they come from.



You’ve managed to literally create a new life and are now responsible for raising a tiny (and so-far helpless) human being. 按一下洗衣机上的按钮应该没什么大不了的,对吧?

你自己洗衣服已经有一段时间了, 所以你基本上已经把它归结为一门科学了. 但现在有了个孩子, you might need to consider adding a few more tricks to your tried-and-true routine.

因为我们知道你照顾孩子可能有点忙, 我们已经为你想好了. 像经验丰富的专家一样,用机洗宝宝的衣服:

  • 考虑用网袋装小件物品 – Garment bags can cover more bases than simply protecting your favorite delicates. Keep itty-bitty socks and caps together in one place by dropping them into a mesh bag 之前 pressing “Start.”
  • 不要把洗衣机装得太满 – Even if those little clothes create huge mountains by the end of the week, 一次把它们都塞进洗衣机不一定有帮助. Overloading your machine may make it harder for soiled clothes to come out clean. Plus, the added stress on the machine itself could result in an even bigger problem down the line.
  • 使用较慢的旋转速度 洗婴儿衣服时,缓慢而稳定的方法可能是最好的方法. Just think of how tangled your hair got when your toddler thought it’d be fun to send the propeller of their toy airplane into the back of your head. Using a slower spin speed could help keep your baby’s clothes from getting 只是 as wound up in knots.
  • 用冷水清洗 用冷水洗婴儿衣服可以使衣物保存得更久. 冷洗能使衣服保持原色, 少用能源, 总体上对环境更有利.

You might find these tips also make your life easier when it comes to that other baby laundry task we haven’t yet mentioned—all the tiny folding. Anything you can do to prevent tangles and undue wrinkles is something you’ll thank yourself for later.


As a new parent, it can sometimes feel that every decision you need to make is absolutely critical. 豌豆还是胡萝卜? 粉色还是蓝色? 麦茜还是米歇尔? 当然, 有选择是很好的, 但最终它们会增加你需要做出的选择清单.

通过信任ECOS,你就不用再做这些决定了. 我们的 plant-powered 洗衣粉 对宝宝的皮肤没有刺激吗, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions and giving you more peace of mind.

它还能提供你需要的有效清洁, 强力去除重度污渍,同时保持皮肤柔软. 了解更多十大彩票网赌平台的完整十大彩票网赌平台线 更安全的 清洁十大彩票网赌平台 保证你们家的安全和健康.